Join us for a special evening with National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Joel Sartore uses his award-winning photography to connect millions of people to animals on the brink of extinction. His images are inspiring and help everyone appreciate some of the lesser known species that are vanishing around the world. As the founder of the Photo Ark, Sartore has dedicated his 25-year career to creating wildlife portraits that show the beauty, grace and intelligence of these creatures. You’ll enjoy Joel’s funny, passionate, and stirring style as he shares photos, videos, and stories from every continent in a special presentation at IMAX.
“It is folly to think that we can destroy one species and ecosystem after another and not affect humanity. When we save species, we’re actually saving ourselves.” – Joel Sartore
6:00 PM- Concessions and a Cash Bar will be available
6:30 PM- Presentation in the IMAX Theater
7:30 PM- Optional Book Signing Following the Presentation
$15 for Members
$20 for Non-Members
Thank you! Your involvement helps the Tennessee Aquarium work with Joel and others to protect endangered species.
River Society Members: please email Mary Anne Williams for your complimentary tickets to this event.